The path taken by Hope Library
October 7: Dream Library Instructor Program in Thailand (Thailand)
September 9: Dream Library Instructor Program in the Philippines (Philippines)
September 6: Philippine Youth Camp (Philippines)
July 29: Dream Library Program for Migrant Students at Elim School (South Korea)
July 11: Watoto Library No. 33 (Uganda)
July 9: Malai Ompay Library Construction (Malai)
June 7: Thai Team Visits South Korea (South Korea)
May 12: Daejeon Dream Library Program (South Korea)
April 8: Reading Club Leader Seminar in Uganda (Uganda)
March 9: 2nd International Youth Fairy Tale Writing Contest Award Ceremony (South Korea)
February 27: Aeta Hope Library No. 31 (Philippines)
January 18: Lamorena Hope Library No. 30 (Philippines)
January 2: Rabillab Elementary School Library No. 32 (Philippines)
September 15: Christian Academy Hope Library No. 29 (Malawi, Nkhombe Children's Library)
September 8: Development of the Character Diary
August 26: Natonin Hope Library No. 28 (Philippines)
August 26: Paracelis Hope Library No. 27 (Philippines)
August 8: 2023 Philippine Character Reading Leadership Seminar
July 29: Kuang Pao Hope Library No. 26 (Thailand)
June 30: Chiang Mai Hope Library No. 25 (Thailand)
May 24: Laos Happy School Hope Library No. 24 (Laos)
March 24: Laos Happy School Hope Library No. 24 (Laos)
March 9: MOU with Happy All Lifelong Education Academy
February 25: 1st International Youth Fairy Tale Writing Contest Award Ceremony
February 16: Ifugao Jokong Hope Library Opening
December 26: MOU with Havruta Cultural Association
December 16: Philippine Book and Dream Project
November 23: Character Reading Seminar (Philippines)
November 22: Free Hope Library Reading App for Book Support in the Third World
October 18: Production of 3 Character Cards: Questions, Values, and Practice Cards
October 5: Tagudin Hope Library No. 18 (Philippines)
October 5: Indonesia Rawang Small Library No. 19
August 22: Hope Library YouTube Creator Dream Support Project
August 19: Establishment of Branches in Gyeonggi, Daejeon, Gwangju, and Pohang (South Korea)
August 5: King's Vision Secondary School Library No. 17 (Uganda)
August 5: Myanmar Holegu Hope Library No. 16
January 1: Ilocos Hope Library No. 1 Opening (Philippines)
December 14: Blessing Library Missional Church No. 15 (Philippines)
December 14: San Isidro Grace Christian School Library No. 14 (Philippines)
December 14: Lugarba Baptist Church Library No. 13 (Philippines)
October 10: Character Reading Healing Camp (South Korea)
August 25: Private Certification Program for Reading Club Leaders (South Korea)
August 25: Private Certification Program for Global Reading Instructors (South Korea)
June 8: Hanbit School Hope Library No. 12 (South Korea)
January 1: Character-Based Reading Management Specialist Program (South Korea)
December 29: I Admire Myself: A 20-Year Samsung Veteran's Story | Dreamcatcher Lecture
November 18: Dreamcatcher Lecture: "Everything About Studying in the U.S."
November 15: "Free YouTube Video School" for Youth Creator Dreams
November 11: Dreamcatcher Lecture: "Conquering Middle and High School Life with Koala Teacher"
August 13: Donation of Antibacterial Masks to Mongolia and Cambodia
August 10: "Dreaming and Growing Together" Self-Management Seminar
July 16: Hope Library Growth Lecture: Happy Emotion Coaching for Myself
January 12: 3rd Korean-Chinese Charity Art Competition to Support Hope Libraries (1500 participants)
February 26: Development of the Character Reading Coaching Program
April 6: Visit by the Philippine Small Library Association to South Korea
May 6: Cambodia Vision Trip and Book Donation (Dajo Church and Phnom Penh Bible School MOU)
May 13: Book Donation and Performance at Uganda Katago Hope Library (by the U.S. Team)
May 28: Myanmar Children's Missionary Seminary Book Donation (700,000 KRW)
June 7: Iloilo Zion School Hope Library (Philippines)
June 18: First Board Meeting to Establish Hope Library as a Non-Profit Organization
August 9: Support for Cambodia Hope Library's Vehicle for Book Campaigns (500,000 KRW)
August 15: Scholarships for 10 students attending 3P Binder & Treasure Hunt Program
September 11: Official Registration of Hope Library Book Sharing Association
September 25: MOU with DreamDreams NGO (for building schools in mission areas)
November 19: MOU with 3P Self-Management Institute
January: Book Donations to Orphanages in China (Aidog, Taiyuan, Guangxi, Xi'an)
June 13: Meifei Orphanage Library No. 1 (China)
August 9: Donation of 35 Kindles with 153 E-Books Each to 7 Seminaries in the Philippines
November: Book Support for Mongolian Ger Library and Cambodia Posha Region